Tuesday, July 14, 2015

See, Say, Show Activity and Anxiety

After we had meditated and we were beginning to do the "See, Say, Show" activity, I found it really calming to look at something and label it. Noticing that some object in the room is a chair, or a table, or a shoe reminded me of something in psychology we call, "grounding." It helps to bring someone into the present. Sometimes I spend too much of my time worrying about things in the present or the near future. Ok, "sometimes" is an understatement. I tend to be a little anxious almost all of the time. But doing the yoga stretches, meditating, and having to focus on the now was helping me to focus on the now minus the worries, which was a really great gift to receive yesterday.

1 comment:

  1. I agree. See, say, show also helped me to really enter the classroom space not just physically but mentally as well. I became aware of things I hadn't noticed before, and wouldn't have ever noticed otherwise. I began to study the details of the room, an activity that was very calming. I felt like a jellyfish who, after being tied up so long, finally got to get his feelers out their and explore the world in a new way. It reminded me of a drawing exercise wherein the art student draws what they see, but only looks at their paper when they adjust the location of their pencil. This brings to the fore a whole world of detail that never existed before.
