Monday, July 13, 2015

Day 1

Thank you all for our first workout! Today we learned a breathing and stretching routine that we will continue as the opening section of our daily Storytelling Gym. This consisted of some standing stretches combined with deep breathing and a variation of the yoga "Sun Salutation."  The variation I shared today is closest to the Hattha Sun Salutation B

Here is a link to more information about this sequence.

We discussed the tension existing between art and business. As Buckminster Fuller said, "you must decide whether you are trying to make money or make sense, as they are mutually exclusive." here is a link to this morning's story on npr that I referenced:

Logistics note: Wednesdays our class period will be spent attending the Teller-In-Residence at the ISC in Jonesborough. Performance begins at 2:00 with "talk-back" at 3:30.


  1. Thanks for the link for the yoga sequence, it will take me a while to get it.

  2. Thank you for the link to the Yoga sequence as well as the link to the NPR story! I found it interesting that a few of the respondents to the NPR story were people telling stories, themselves. The KFC story was really interesting. Made me want to visit Claudia Sanders Dinner House in Kentucky and I don't even like KFC. Wow, talking about the power of stories!
