Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Course Syllabus

STOR 5840
Story Performance: 2 credit hours
Special Topic: Storytellers’ Gym
Course Syllabus

Instructor: David Novak
Phone: 828-280-2718
Office hours: per request

Summer 2015

Course Schedule: July 13-31, M-F, 2:05-4:00pm
Room: Campus Center 205

Texts: None.

Class Blog:
In lieu of D2L, students will log onto

Catalog Description: This course provides an introduction to creative drama techniques for the classroom, the library, or in storytelling performance.

Overall Objective: To exercise the public performance and critical thinking skills necessary for the student to improve storytelling.

Course Narrative: This course consists of daily physical, vocal, verbal, and compositional exercises relevant to storytelling in performance.

NOTE: Students are expected to dress for ease of movement and requested to bring a towel, yoga mat, pillow, or other items as needed for floor work.

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