Friday, July 17, 2015

     I really liked playing imaginary catch.  What I found really interesting about this was I couldn't even play in the landscape of this game without addressing my internal anxiety about baseball or softball. The idea of mining  an action that would have had me made fun of in reality brought up a rush of discomfort.  I mention this because my natural inclination would be to choose a different action or game.  If there is a difficult part in a story is this the same inclination.  I can now say I am very good at imaginary ball,  so what else could open up.
     I also enjoyed the brain gym type games.  I found them fun and challenging.  What I enjoyed most and was equally challenged by was that just as I thought see I got it, David would come in with now use your left hand, or turn in a circle, or use both hands etc.  I tend to think linearly with an end destination, goal checked move on.  This felt like accepting the idea of endless learning in different ways.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed reading your post, Julie! Thanks for the reminder about what we did in class. I had forgotten about the brain games. Those were quite fun! It was interesting to read how you felt about the baseball anxiety because of not quite knowing how to appropriately throw a ball. Now you are a pro at imaginary baseball. :)
