Thursday, July 30, 2015

Moving chairs

I found today's exercise of moving the chair around the room really powerful.  It made me see the story in totally different ways.  Associations about the three goats keep finding their way into my head.  It seems to me that the story is existing in all of our minds.  This rearrangement then is like rearranging furniture.  The invisible is seen in a new light.  Very cool.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this post, Julie. I also felt like the chair activity was really powerful. And listening to the story braiding activity for the Three Billy Goat's Gruff was very interesting.

    About the chair activity specifically, I thought it was very helpful to get to see how everyone else interpreted ways of using the chair. It was kind of like getting access to a creative super-computer. If anyone today saw someone use the chair in a way that they had not considered before, they gained access to that super computer. Pretty cool, I think. :)

    I liked how you said, "The invisible is seen in a new light," too.
