Friday, July 17, 2015

David, have you thought of writing up the exercises in this class as a book?  So energizing and inspiring.

Love the "creating place" exercise.  Enthusiastic and inspired, I wanted to do a free-write of place and realized I sometimes wrote down ideas (generated from words) rather than images so that was interesting to notice.  The exercise wasn't nearly as rich as when multiple people are throwing in their images and we need to incorporate the new contribution into our image of the place, building off of each other's ideas is actually the best part, but I decided I wanted to start a daily free-write practice.  To get started and create an element of surprise, I made a list of initial images that will be made into cards tomorrow.  Thought I would share the list that will get me started (some images are from what I could remember from our work together):
lego's on floor
orange vinyl chair
woman in hairnet
air conditioner blasting
tire swing over bare spot in lawn
tea kettle whistling
mud puddle
books precariously balanced
spot light
sword ferns
ants encircling drop of honey
creaking rocking chair
creaking floor boards
broken plastic knife
yoga mats splayed from center
gum popping
mud tracks across floor
herbs hanging from ceiling
closed shutters
footbridge over creek
spider swinging from web
pink and mint green tile walls
rusty padlock
peanut shells crunching underfoot
sound of jack hammer
sound of xerox machine printing
crumpled gum wrapper
smell of old beer
distant sound of child practicing piano
comics slipped between mattress and wall
bees swarming
jewels illuminated in glass case
dragonflies darting
croak of frogs in darkness
heap of old truck tires
palm trees swaying
clicking of a metronome
ivy creeping up brick wall
white marble columns lined up like soldiers
rotating sprinklers
hum of refrigerator motor
grease spot on concrete
smell of coffee burning
bacon sizzling
buzz of mosquitoes
lipstick stain
cigarette burning in ashtray
tangle of seaweed
overstuffed dresser drawers
clear glass sweating from ice cubes
wet-suit dripping from hook on wall
dusty chalkboard
hot white sand
chair knocked over on it's side


  1. Beautiful list of evocative images Cynthia! Just the sort of thing the great poets do. A book of exercises may yet be in the offing. Thanks for the encouragement. These are all born of my explorations - some, of course, are variants of other exercises you may recognize.

  2. I agree, publishing these ideas would be awesome, and I dig your images too, Cynthia!
