Friday, July 17, 2015

Day 4 Catch-Up

I fell behind on day 4 so this is me playing catch up a little bit. I know this is probably a terrible excuse because it affected everyone but I was so caught up in studying my story that I ran out of time to blog for Thursday. So I wanted to catch up! :) This is my Thursday post, and over the weekend I will blog my Friday post.

I had fun in class but my knee has been bothering me so I was taking it easy in yoga on Thursday. I hope that no one takes this for complaining. I am SO thankful that we are getting to learn these techniques and I am not bored by them at all even if I have to modify the routine for a few.

I was watching a YouTube video once about how yoga totally transformed this one man's life and it was super inspiring. In case anyone else wanted to see it too, here it is:

I liked the pantomime practice but I know that I will have to practice more to get a better grasp of it. Some of the group work was bringing me back to being terrified of being in group activities in high school. I thought I grew out of that, ha. I liked being with all of my group members in class but I used to be so terrified of group activities in high school. When I would participate in team building exercises at a youth retreat back then, I remember the best days being the ones where I found some excuse to run to the bathroom and hide while everyone else had to figure out how to go from being in a tangled web of hands to an organized circle or whatnot. I think my heart was almost beating out of my chest back then if I thought there was no way to get out of an activity.

I think I realized today that at least on some level I feel the same way when I am storytelling. I enjoy storytelling but sometimes it is like staring fear right in the face. I heard a quote one time that said you can either be courageous or a coward but not both at the same time. That quote encourages me to try to embrace courage.

On a kind of funny note one time I had to tell a monologue in high school and unfortunately my teacher made it mandatory for our fellow high school students (outside of drama class) to attend our concert. I didn't get to pick my monologue but I did try my best. A few of the boys in my grade thought it would be funny to "boo" me so I went and yelled, "Shut up!" before I left the stage. I thought it was pretty cool that I didn't get in trouble for that. But one time I did get in trouble for writing an entire paper on Shakespeare and spelling his name wrong throughout the entire paper. Oops! Well, it was 9th grade.

1 comment:

  1. Aimee - thanks for this disclosure. I often am reminded or even confronted by past encounters and experiences that shaped my current behavior and outlook. Like a deep tissue massage, long-buried tensions may be loosened and release the energy they have been holding.
