Monday, July 20, 2015

Free Photos on Tuesday 4:30 - 7:30 PM Campus Center Building Room 205

Hi everyone!

I asked David if I could share this with everyone and he said yes (thanks David!) so I'm cross-posting this message on both boards.

Dwayne and I take photos for the storytelling program a lot when we are in the area, and we wanted to offer free pictures for anyone that would like to stop by on Tuesday afternoon after class. Dr. Sobol has lent us the room after the Storytelling Gym class (which ends around 4:05) for as late as we need it, and the janitor has said there is no conflict with even staying later if we need to. We'll stick around until 7:30 PM in case anyone needs to leave after class and come back later. If the building is locked we can let you back in. Please add our phone # if you plan on coming because it would be the best way to reach us if the building is locked when you arrive for any reason: (586) 231-4192.

We need a little bit of time after class to set up so we'll begin around 4:30. Our hope is that for anyone who is able to make it, the scene will be relaxed and we'll get to find out from you what kind of picture you'd like to have of yourself. Feel free to use these as promo pictures for your website or anything you might need them for.

Dr. Sobol has lent us the stool that he used for his Yeats' performance last Wednesday evening, so we have that if you'd like to use it in your picture. But if you have anything else, like a prop or a wig or something customary to a story that you tell that you'd like to bring, please feel free to!

I have 2 people confirmed to stop by so far other than Dwayne and myself. If you are under an extreme time restraint please text me before hand and I will try to make sure that you can arrive and leave in a short amount of time by giving you a specific time to stop by. Otherwise, my hope is that it will just be a fun and relaxed environment. I hope to be finished editing any pictures taken by next weekend, but if not that, before the three weeks are up. I'll provide the files to everyone in a Dropbox from which you can freely download your pictures.

Here are some sample pictures from us taken in the same room of Dr. Sobol's performance last week:

And here are some of our other Storytelling pictures from the year we were here on campus if you were curious to see any:

Thanks for reading my message and hope to see you there if you'd like to come join us!


  1. Aimee, the picture of Dr. Sobol's performance are awesome. Thanks for taking those. Chris

  2. Thank you for the links. What lovely work.

  3. Thanks so much Chris and Wenny!
